Stations Preview


Station Database Details

Table Name: stations


Summary Value

Table Column Description

Column Name
*Station Unique Identifier of Station
*StationName Name of the station
*StationName2 Code of Station
*Longitude Longitude of the station
*Latitude Latitude of the station
*Altitude Altitude of the station
*Longitude2 Longitude in decimal format
*Latitude2 Latitude in decimal format
*DMSLongitude Longitude in DMS format
*DMSLatitude Latitude in DMS format
Statee Statee of the Station
Catchment Catchment of the Station
Subcatchment Subcatchment of the Station
RegManagmt RegManagmt of the Station
OperatnlRegion OperatnlRegion of the Station
HydroReg HydroReg of the Station
RH RH of the Station
Municipality Municipality of the Station
CodeB CodeB of the Station
CodeG CodeG of the Station
CodeCB CodeCB of the Station
CodePB CodePB of the Station
CodeE CodeE of the Station
CodeCL CodeCL of the Station
CodeHG CodeHG of the Station
CodePG CodePG of the Station
CodeNw CodeNw of the Station
Code1 Code1 of the Station
Code2 Code2 of the Station
Code3 Code3 of the Station
MaxOrdStrgLvl MaxOrdStrgLvl of the Station
MaxOrdStrgVol MaxOrdStrgVol of the Station
MaxExtStrgLvl MaxExtStrgLvl of the Station
MaxExtStrgVol MaxExtStrgVol of the Station
SpillwayLevel SpillwayLevel of the Station
SpillwayStorage SpillwayStorage of the Station
FreeSpillwayLevel FreeSpillwayLevel of the Station
FreeSpillwayStorage FreeSpillwayStorage of the Station
DeadStrgLevel DeadStrgLevel of the Station
DeadStrgCapac DeadStrgCapac of the Station
UsableStorageCapLev UsableStorageCapLev of the Station
UsableStorage UsableStorage of the Station
Key1fil Key1fil of the Station
Key2fil Key2fil of the Station
Key3fil Key3fil of the Station
CritLevelSta CritLevelSta of the Station
CritLevelSta CritLevelSta of the Station
MinLevelSta MinLevelSta of the Station
MaxLevelSta MaxLevelSta of the Station
CritFlow MaxLevelSta of the Station
MinDischarge MinDischarge of the Station
MaxDischarge MaxDischarge of the Station
Distance Distance of the Station
Infrastructure Infrastructure of the Station
Type Type of the Station
Usee Usee of the Station

*Required columns